About the Foundation

Our Story

The Dragonfly Mental Wellness Foundation was founded because a beautiful, talented young woman left us too soon when her struggles with mental illness became too much to endure.  Her name was Jill.

On September 1, 2015, Jill Patton Ellingson, a mother of three, who was known for her ability to light up a room with her smile and laugh -  died by suicide. To everyone who knew Jill it was unfathomable that a woman who seemed so in love with life could be hiding such pain. Jill dealt with depression and anxiety.

LuAnn McFarlane, Jill’s mom, desired to learn from her indescribable grief and help others who experienced suicide's trauma. LuAnn wanted to bring hope and healing to others who have been touched by mental health issues.

Jill Patton Ellingson
Dragonfly design

"As Jill’s mom I needed her death not to be in vain but instead, through my grief, to be able to bring hope and healing to others who struggle with mental health issues. The foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating, serving, and supporting those touched by mental illness. With the help of supporters such as you, we will continue to see change and hope and provide assistance for those in need."

LuAnn McFarlane
Founder & President
Dragonfly Mental Wellness Foundation

Our Mission

Girl blowing on dandelion

To Increase public awareness of mental illness.

  • To educate
  • To support
  • To serve those touched by mental illness

To raise, receive and administer all funds coming into the foundation and provide monies for:

  • Scholarships
  • Resources and education to the public for mental health awareness
  • Offering assistance through grants to mental health providers

1 in 25 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year

National Alliance on Mental Illness